HSO @ 37c3

Hamburg CCH, 2023-12-27, 7pm

(meeting organization & moderator, one of HSO admins)

david/dcht00 , from cht/totalism.org hackbase @ canary islands, spain
PM me on matrix

[r!!] (run through agenda)

* check who's with us:
    → about half have wiki accounts, did edits, are on chat channel

* obvious topics regarding hackerspaces.org:
    → just today the SSL certificate issue — it expired, but was fixed quickly
    ... this is how we roll :)

[!] What could we do to get better attendance to this meeting next time?
(attendance wasn't great, maybe 15 people)
    * there was confusion about how to access this place, and it is day 1 !:
        reconsider if day 1 is a good time
    * send mail to info@hackerspace.org list
    * "basically all admins and regular atendees simply did not make it to CCC this year"

[!!] let's restart the HSO mailing list!

just post anything there.
it's a shame it's not happening anymore.

(discuss inter-hackspace connections)

* connecting hackerspaces with each other:
    to exchange resources, knowledge, personal contact:
    * how to better breed these connections?? [!]
    * spaceAPI is mentioned

* HSO Residencies page/program:
    This was done with a simple upgrade of the wiki template ("can you host?"),
    is a success as a list (almost 150 spaces worldwide)
    [!!] But would be great if somebody "tests" this, if spaces actually like to host, and report back!:) :
        (someone says they'll do a German roadtrip!)
        (others encouraged to do too!)

    What can we do to make it more useful on a software level? [!]

(report: spectator from Hackerspace Poznan)

one person not having had participated in HSO but being one lazier member of an initiative starting
Hackerspace Poznań
why im here:
    spectator mostly to see how hso is doing and what are the thoughts on
hso and us:
    sometimes someone links something from hso in the chat
what we are:
  • we meet in 2-6 people weekly/bi-weekly, don't have a place yet,
  • trying to start a "hackerspace in backpack" with frequent-enough meetups that one can bring something to,
  • with a common db of items for anyone to ask someone to bring a listed thing
  • organizing needs & wants for mobile hacklab equipment...
  • --------------
  • some believe in going out with workshops as the group to get a word out about us, so we are asking some other collectives-places about such opportunities

[!!h] dcht00: Future for HSO is Global South, we hit a plateau in Global North

(we won't grow as we did in "the core", and need to do more to help international development in the "the periphery", to keep bringing new perspectives & connections)

Just look at the map, Global North (sans Russian Federation) is completely filled up, possibly "at capacity", as every other Euro/American town has a hacklab already.

the question is if we can assist, lead, and exchange within "blank map areas", the Global South!

and *how*

We will keep discussing this in the immediate and longer term.


also relevant to the classical "hackerspaces vs hacklabs ... vs makerspaces ... vs fab lab ... vs coworking space ... "shared machineshop""

    global south is inherently more likely to do political & "dirty hack" stuff (==hacking), rather than "playing with technology" (==making, via the USA & "Makerfaire" logic)

[!!] "what should hackerspaces.org be?

It would be very precarious to keep the Projects/Events of the site up to date.
Especially as there's so many levels (local, regional, CCC, international), and different sites.

Some ideas:

    * just "nuke" the projects and events feature, rethink & adopt something that does aggreagation.

    * try to do it more 1-on-1, interview / remote hackspace visit style, with people documenting it in a conversational "visits"/"interview" format, rather than expect spaces to report project

    * think of aggreagation and content transclusion (from other sites), rather than "yet another place to need to report to"

________________ HSO "Planet" already kind of did that, or was supposed to

https://planet.hackerspaces.org (RIP?)
... "RSS aggregator for hacklab blogs/feed"
... soup.io
... ###
* both a solid technical foundation to get it all together
* but also an editorial team, curators, promoters, people to hold it together
* maybe we just need a "trick" to get it right :)

("call ins" were also mentioned, to breed community)

(again) it doesn't work, because there's just too many platforms.

It's not "fun" to create even more content, but it could be great to kind of have a place that connects it, curates it.

→ How would we "dynamize" or "catalyze" the existing community
also known as "community building"

"it could be as easy as, for example:
    * collecting tags better on the wiki [!]
    * further improving user profiles ("HSO as a social network")
    * 3-day hack session to find "similar spaces"
    * propose meetings based on combos
    * ###


this parallels an idea that emerged in hspoz - to ask other hackerspaces to have teleconferences to consult us in getting started, one by one

while there is many reasons such idea could be fallacious:
    maybe a getting started platform easy to migrate out-of would be worth considering -
    maybe an online pad with a shared password and a single text document would be better replaced by something else for the very beginning

(atendee opinion: it's good the meeting happened & let's keep it regular)

"it's important to keep the meetings happening, to keep it regular and durational"