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2012; transdisciplinary and transmedia series of events
presented @[ECAV, MAPS|https://edhea.ch/evenements/master-of-arts-in-public-spheres] & Villa Rufieux, Sierre

During my 3-month residency in Sierre, I set up a series of gatherings around plaited and woven objects and transposed them via collaborative workprocesses towards events in the personal and public spheres of the town. It involved a collection of dinner table settings, graveyard meetings, dances, street performances, interventions in the school, and late night walks, all deriving from a close collaboration with the highly international and non-western-based group of art-students.

Raamwerk was a stream of events, in which both the continous production of small and quick handcrafted object-sculptures, the public events and all of the pre- and post-production where equal parts of the work. It was a first step towards the notion of "a practice as artwork", that is still relevant in my work today.


