< STUB+ >

(tracing trash)

After doing this for some time, we got slightly saturated by the load of materials this second hand industry processes. The meaning and value of what we used to be so triggered by in this "cave of miracles" totally got lost and we began to be more interested in surrounding conditions of the workflow in such a specific place.
We started working with surveys to unravle the selection criteria the highly cultural diverse people who worked there used to decide weather something was trash or not.

This time in the project is marked by a lot of doubt, a lot of fragmentational documentation, recordings and conversations.
A next step seemed however difficult, also due to slightly changing of interests. 

I was very much intrigues by the economical dynamics of the place, wanted to track and trace those production chains and kanban-based workflows, whereas de ghellinck was more inerested in the material analytics of the objects.

In this time we produced an unfinished sample-card.

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